The Rider's Digest magazine/bmf shows
I'm the publisher of The Rider's Digest magazine. This summer we will be exhibiting at the four outdoor bmf (British Motorcyclist Federation) shows, promoting our magazine.
In the lead up we have been featuring the shows as their 'media partner', and at each of the shows we will be putting on a display of 'interesting' bikes.
At the Garden of England Motorcycle Show (GEMS) in Kent on the weekend of 12/13th June, we want to have an independent travel theme with a display of bikes that have been across the planet. And would like to invite HU people who are interested to join us with their bikes.
We can offer, a pass to the show including camping, some fuel expenses/  money, a place to sell your books if you've written one, and good company.
If you want to come along please contact me on 07930 265032. If you're not familiar with our mag, see us at The Riders Digest - The Best Motorcycle Writing On The Streets
Thanks, John
Last edited by johnmnewman; 26 Mar 2010 at 19:44.
Reason: Taken out email address. Should have read guidelines first