Scottish Campfire Mini Meet 2014
We're both really looking forward to chilling out at Pillars around the campfire tomorrow... our group of hubbers looks like... Beej n Chris, Jake (Seisbobs), Liz (Milimut1), Gary (Zimcruza), Andy & Maya (Freewheel) and Deb & Sean (Strompet). If anyone else is going to pop along then please let us know.
We have a mixed weather forecast ( BBC Weather - Falkland), as can be expected for October in Scotland, with rain on Friday evening from 8 ish, a great sunny day on Saturday  and sadly some more rain on Sunday! But hey... we'll have a campfire so we'll be nice and toastie!
We've packed some kindling and an ikea bag of wood to get the campfire started on Friday. If you have space then please bring a few logs for the fire or if not then a few pounds to buy some from the campsite. We will forage for wood but we will need some dry kindling & firewood to get the fire started on both nights!
Remember that the daylight is going around 6-6:30pm at the moment incase you want to plan your arrival to get set up in daylight. Let us know what time to expect you and we'll try to have the kettle on!
Beej n Chris
P.S. Got marshmallows! :-)