The UK meetings page hasn't been updated for a while so I thought I'd fill in a few blanks for you.
We've had over 20 presenters volunteer so far to put on a show for this years meeting some old, some new.
Regulars Chris Scott, Simon McCarthy, Sam Manicom, Tim Cullis, Craig Carey Clinch are all confirmed as well as new shows from David Lomax, Tiffany Coates, Chris Bright to name but a random few. New names Richard Miller - Africa on an Enfield, Charles Fellowes - UK to OZ and Leigh Mathias - Newfoundland to Argentina.
Topics range from - UK to Australia, Morocco, The Silk Route, China, U.S.A. Spain, Africa and informative sessions on, what to take, travelling as a couple, Bike preparation, and whats the best tent?
Walter Colebatch was the first person to be allowed into China unescorted in 1994 and his is likely to be a well attended show.
David Lomax can always be relied on to give a funny and professional show (he's doing 3 shows this year) and my abiding memory is of a photo of a bike attempting to jump an impossible ramp with 'The A team' music playing in the background.
More time will be given to Paul Gowen from the RAC this year as although his session on Carnets was repeated several times over the weekend most of the time the room was full and over ran.
There maybe a chance to make a 10 minute appointment with Paul at the meeting to discuss fees etc on a one to one basis. More details to follow as I find out more.
Tim Cullis's talk on Garmin and using Mapsource, his tech session, over ran by nearly 2 hours and could have gone on past closing time - such was the interest. More time needed I think!
The rideouts are still going ahead this year with one major change. Registration will be on the day on a first come first served basis. We are no longer continuing with the register in advance system. Much easier for all involved I think. More details later.
I myself organise the UK meeting - anything to do directly with the meeting is my responsibility - venue - presenters -facilities - rideouts etc
Sam Manicom is once again organising the volunteers this year. Theres a rota system in place so if you do volunteer you can opt for as little or as much as you want. We still need a few more volunteers. Thankyou!
Grant is the guy in charge of the whole damn lot!
contact me via the meetings page or pm. or post in this thread
contact Sam to volunteer via Grant.
Its pretty much guaranteed that this years meet will be a sell out again - 500 people - as with over 4 months to go we already have 300 folk booked in. Dont think about it, 3-6th July and get your money sent off today!
Oh and don't forget Tori Lang and her 'Yoga for Bikers' session! See you there !