From Seydisfjordur to Reykjavik you can take road1 either the north route(681km) or the south route(723km)
The speedlimit on road1 is 90kmph but the traffic is normally doing 100-110 or more(just remember to slow down if you see the cops)
It is possible to do this trip in about 7-8 hours with stops for gas and food.
From Reykjavik to Keflavik airport is a 45 km drive.
I would take the north route and stop overnight in Akureyri. I drove from there yesterday on my DR600 in about 5 hours with stops.
We stayed one night at Hotel Edda( Accommodation in Iceland, travel in Iceland, Summer Hotels in Iceland, Hotels in Iceland. ) in Akureyri in our sleepingbags for ISK2500 per person. The breakfast was additional ISK900. Or if you are on a tight budget you can tent at the local camping grounds.
Last edited by joiben; 1 Jul 2008 at 01:43.