cheap parts bike - KLR 650B Tengai - London
I bought a 1989 KLR650 B (Tengai) as a parts bike a few months ago, but it turns out that I haven't needed to cannibalise anything.. in fact, it's now running (it wasn't when I got it), but I need to get rid of it, cos it's taking up space, and I have no-where to keep it properly.
The bike is marked as "broken or parts" with the DVLA, but I think it could be re-registered in the UK, and almost certainly abroad. It would be a very cheap bike to set up for a trip.
It's been sitting for about a few months now, but when StretcherMonkey was having issues with his carb in Locombia (oops.. Colombia), this is the bike we put his carb into (we couldn't get his carb sorted, but the bike's own carb worked a treat, and the engine sounds sweet).
The CDI unit alone from this bike would cost you £260, so if someone physically hands me £300, the bike is theirs on the spot.
What else? new wheels, good rubber, all equipment seems to work. The fairings are off it at the minute, but I have it all to hand. The fairing bolts are a bit hit-and-miss (mostly old-fashioned galvanised gutter bolts!).
I can email photos (once I've taken some, that is).