kawasaki kle 500 after sales
Well, it could be that the engine just needs new oil, mine is much smoother and quieter when i change the oil.
However previous to this kle500, I had another one which I bought brand new after six thousand miles it developed an engine rattle. I took it back to Drayton Croft motorcycles in Hinkley where I had got it from. They said the oil pump had failed and as a result had done a great deal of damage to the big end etc. They were so surprised as the bike has a reputation of being ultra reliable, they were also embarassed.
So much so that they replaced it with a brand spanking new kle500. I Can't praise them and their after sales service enough. BMW and Touratech could learn a lot from them.
I am happy to report that my Kle has now done 22000 miles , been to europe and the arctic and is used every day in all weathers including snow, it lives outside and nothing has gone wrong, its such a good bike. Really reliable and the chain has only needed tensioning four times, the engine is so smooth.