I will start by telling what I use and what question I have. I hope that this is a good ideea.
So as you could see in KLE manual thread I raised the tail so I will not bore you again with this subject.
Other thing that I use .... please let me know if you know a better way or something better.
Fuel filter - Mann WK 21 (is that tiny one but I have to change it often 200-600Km - depends on how clean is the fuel)
Oil Filter - Also from Mann MW 68 (I choosed Mann for a reasonable price/quality)
Engine oil - Motul 5100 ester 10w40
Chain oil - Motorex Chainlube 622 fully synthetic for cross, enduro, off-road ( I use this because I used for street and it gathered dirt, with this one it looks a little nicer)
Battery - here is a big question for you - the original was 9Ah but because of the power of recharging slowly it was drained, than I took a Varta (because I had a Varta on my car and it was good) with no meintenace but same problem ... now I had a no name at 11 Ah and it survived for a year and now when are -2 or -3 Celsius it starts ok ... but once a month I had to put water in it

Could you give me an advice? because at a long trip lat's say over 600 km on hot summer I had to keep in mind to have a bottle of water to put in battery.
Brake pads - Godfren but I intend to buy a complete Brembo system - what you know about this?
Tires - I changet the stock with enduro ones and the rear is 130

all from Mitas
Exhaust - is changed is from inox and I gained 1 or 2 hp
Other to do and don't:
Because my contry learns you to do all kind of bullshits just to save money I learned that fuel lines from tank to fuel filter and from fuel filter to carburetors can be from a car

. Our car Dacia (not the new Logan)(The only car made in Romania) can be a cheaper way to mentain your bike so fuel lines are from Dacia, that cable for tachometer is also from Dacia

clutch cable again from Dacia. So I discovered that not only Kawasaki genuine parts are working.
Chain washing - I found that is more cheaper than to buy chain solutions to make a coktail from fuel (leaded NOT unleaded) with oil for small mechanism and it works ( but first try your coktail on an old chain).
Here is a DON'T: Don't use unleaded fuel on your chain it alters the o-rings - trust me I used to clean up my chain because it was to greasy and after a month I had to buy a new chain.
That's all folks! I I remember other changes I will share with you