KLR 600 S Help needed
Hi everyone,
After 3 years of Kawa KLE400 I decided to take a KLR600. But It seems to get stuck with another rare bike, I can’t find more info about it.
Is a Kawa KLR 600s Type KL600B with frame number KL600B022884. All that I know is that it was sold in '90 in Italy. But I don’t have other info.
Looking on the web I found out which are differences between klr600 but only until 1986. After that year no info about KLR 600.
I tried to find out manufacture year but everywhere I looked I get the response "Invalid frame number" Because frame number were KL600B011XXX, not with 02.
So I will begin my second saga of wondering over the net to search info for this bike.
Maybe You can help me with some links or info's and I will not wait 2 years to find something about this model like I did for my KLE400.
Thank you
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