Hi guys/girls, help. Just joined this excellent forum, I have had a kawasaki zzr600 bike now for 5 years, 2006/56 ZX600,
and for the last 13 months, I have been really cruel to it, what I mean is, I have started it once a month, turned it over for about 5 minutes, (still on its stand), and then covered it over again. Usually it starts great, but due to this laziness the bike has only done 4000 miles, because of the awkwardness of getting it from the back of the house, down a side entry and into the road and then back again - if you see what I mean (yes laziness and neglect).
Anyway last week, I tried to start it as usual, and instead of starting up straight away and coming to life, it started for about 3 seconds then died, and further attempts to start it just result in horrible loud pop noises from the exhaust, really frightening and sinister sounding.
Tried a few times, in the last week, and just makes one horrible pop sound, and then any futher attempts either don't work or make even louder popping noises. Battery is new, starter turns over at normal speed, no horrible clanging noises when starter tries to turn it over, just these horrible scary one or two loud bangs from the exhaust.
Looked on you tube, and changing the spark plugs alone is a 1 year task harder than brain surgery, and just wish i had a garage to perhaps work on it as a project.
Dont suppose any of you out there have had the same experience, caused by obvious neglect. Sadly here we have a mint bike, and thats about all its good for at the moment.
The bike has always been on it's full stand, covered up, but again I have made the mistake of never turning the fuel switch off.
Thanks Andy