oil weep on KTM 640E
My '02 KTM 640E has a persistent,and apparently unfixable oil weep at the junction between the water pump housing and the cylinder head.The leak started with about 7k miles on a new bike(the bike now has 20k miles).An experienced and factory trained KTM mechanic has attemped to stop the weeping 3 times(using all new o-rings and high strength gasket adhesives).KTM USA has covered the repairs under warranty,with only minimal down time.After each repair,the outside of the engine stays dry for a few hundred miles and then the oil weep begins again.The actual oil loss is small,and the result is mostly a big oily mess on the side of the engine.I'm looking for any suggestions or similar experiences from other KTM owners.My best guess is that the oil pump does not have sufficient support and it vibrates slightly against the cylinder head,which creates small tears in the gaskets.