Smaller carb on an Adv-R
What do we think of this idea to improve economy? In my experience there is plenty enough power but not such good economy - or to be precise it variies a lot. Of course one can moderate the throttle but if a 36mm CV never drops usage below 16 or 17 kpl and got it up over 20 often, that would suit me fine. I know a guy in Germany who carries 80L on his...
Also interestd in any other seat improving anecdotes other than stay at home and watch TV.
Chris S
Another thing i forgot to ask was has anyone tried this dual CDI ignition option from KTM on which you pull out a wire or two to run on crap petrol. I must say I found the 2001 model in Algeria ran fine on local 2 star (low 90s octane?). Dual CDI Costs 220 quid in the UK - would that help economy - I seem to recall crap Afro fuel did affect my XT500's mpg badly - but that was over 20 years ago,,,
Author of Sahara Overland and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, among other things
[This message has been edited by Chris Scott (edited 03 February 2002).]