Izusu Trooper ..............
............... they get little or no mention in the HUBB but there are a few for sale in the UK.
Some are "special editions" with names such as "bighorn" and "lotus handling" 
Most comments I have seen elsewhere say to avoid the 3.0 Diesel and look for the 3.1 litre engine (which is actually 3050cc I believe).
Quite a few appear to be imported direct from Japan (so called grey imports) but others may have been officially brought into this country.
Either way, what is the view on the shop floor regarding these vehicles, their capability, and their weaknesses/strong points?
I probably mean Isuzu, but you all knew that!!
(nor do I know how to edit the thread title).
Last edited by Walkabout; 6 Jan 2013 at 17:31.
Reason: spelling Isuzu