Water separator/sedimenter - diesel pre-filter
Contaminated fuel is a serious issue in less developed countries and unsurprisingly Tom Sheppard recommends the fitting of a sedimenter in his inimical tome VDEG (2.6-16 & 4.2-10, to save you trawling the index if you have that volume to hand)
One such piece of kit that was previously recommended was the Parker-Racor but I don't find this when searching on t'interweb.
Please could fellow users recommend a source or an alternative product.
The intended use is for a 1HZ diesel motor (4.2L / 6 cyls, 96kw/130bhp) in a HZJ78L Toyota LandCruiser "Troopy" , and location primarily Sahara Desert.
Thanks in anticipation of any constructive advice. Merharba, ma'asalaam.