For The Children Of Us All
Ralley Humanitaire Innsbruck - Bamako
The "action pour les enfant de tous" is a Caritas sponsored project for homeless children in Bamako-Mali-Westafrica. The "Ralley humanitaire Innsbruck-Bamako" is a private venture, designed to directly benefit the children of this center. Participants will support the center by donating their "old" cars to Caritas and fly home.
The Ralley humanitaire is for You if:
- You have got nothing better do do - and do You have anything BETTER to do?
- You want to get to know a civilization, that appears to be so different from what You are used to, yet holds similar values, upon which all societies are based on.
- You are willing to undertake the journey of a lifetime, a journey, Your children and children of Your children will listen to in awe - "what? I can`t believe Dad/Mom/Gramps did that, cool."
-You just want to undertake a journey into the unknown, knowing, that a human beeing will have his or her live changed to the better - because of You.
Make the difference - one on one!
Love and Greetings to the community