crossing Saudi Arabia? latest info?
Hi, I'm a norwegian student at the pressent studying in Cairo Egypt, I have been here for a year and bought myself an Suzuki DR650 Djebel, for fun in the south. Anyway, my year in Egypt is soon over, but I wish to take my Matilda for a round trip, crossing the arabian peninsula, over to Djibouti, Ethiopia, and back through Sudan to Cairo.
I have heard that it is possible to get a 7 day transit visa for SA if you're going to Bahrain or UAE, but I was thinking about going straight for Oman, and Yemen. Any suggestions on regulations and so forth? Route alternatives as well as information on bordercrossing from Oman to UAE or SA , and between Oman and Yemen is mosthelpfull. This would also include any regulations for visa and such for Djibouti.
Sudan and Ethiopia are countries that are somewhat familiar to me.
Questions on motorbiking in Egypt will also be answered if someone askes.