NOt sure where you are at this time...but when I did this route (and had the same issue of not wanting to drop 800% of the value), I went with the indemnity option as opposed to the guarantee option for the carnet.
The cost structure was a tad different. witht he guarantee option, you pay your carnet fee + 800% of the value of the vehicle..and then applicable taxes.
With the indemnity option, you pay the carnet fee + (10% of 800% of the value of the vehile...or 80% of the value of the vehile) + applicable taxes.
THe difference in refund is when you discharge your guarantee option carnet, you get all of the money back less your fee...and with indemnity you get back 1/2 of your deposit not including the fee.
See if that is an option for you. We also were to get our vehicles valued at $1,200 and $1,000 respectively...which aided us greatly in having inexpensive carnets.