Hey guys!
Thought I would post up a mini report on visiting northern iraq as there arnt many posts around...
As background... Im a solo rider, 23, rode from the UK to Iraq, the bike is an XT660R.
So, I entered Iraq via Turkey, the turkish half was crazy and nothing like the turkish border from bulgaria... you literally have to barge, shout and elbow your way to the front of the single miniscule window surrounded by a swarm of pissed of turks...
anyway heres the good bit... the iraqi half was the best border ive ever crossed through! free tea, leather chairs and a few questions...
Visa: FREE 10 day visa on arrival at the border
Carnet: NOT required
Total costs: NONE... all free
Northern Iraq is under semi autonomous Kurdish control, and the cities such as Dohuk are among the safest in the world... far safer than any western city... in fact their so safe their boaring...
Northern Iraq has been like no place i have ever visited before... i have never experienced kindness as i have here... the people are phenomenal. In restaurants, the owners refuse to take my money, if i want a banana or some fruit they wont let me pay, when i walk into a shop to grab a couple of bottles of water they just flat out refuse my money and say no its a present, today i tried to pay for a fresh orange juice but the owner said no you are a guest of iraq.. come and visit my family instead ... it is literally just continous
Danger is relative, it is true that Dohuk is 80 km from Moussel, one of the most dangerous cities in the world BUT... you cant accidently enter as there are military checkpoints absoloutly everywhere and they block of all entrances... i rode right past it twice on a 400 km ride deeper south.
the police and military are great... always smiling always saying welcome to kurdistan...
the only annoying thing about this place is that the army and police stop me every twenty minutes as they all want their mates to take photos of themselves with their arms around me next to the bike....
Sorry this is a super quick poorly written report, i dont have a lot of time on the net and its kebab time
I have a detailed report with some cool photos on my blog if your interested:
Middle East Overlander
PS ... atms dont work and you must bring US dollars ONLY dont expect to change anything else... everything here is super dooper cheap and your spending like one dollar per meal etc...
(a couple of taster photos