Last minute road trip to Egypt or as close as we can get.
We were due to drive through west africa this friday (with a charity rally as we have done last year) going through Mauritania/Mali/Guniea /Serra Lionne but have cancanled that trip due to security worries.
Anyway... not wanting to waste a holiday we have now decided to head towards Egypt via Syria, Lebonan, Jordan and then... through Ellat if possible or get the ferry over to Egypt.
Since we wont get a carnet for Egypt in the next 3 days, i have read somewere that they may issue thier own equivilant? Does anyone have any info on this? We are trying to do this on the cheap so cheaper option would be best.
Also oringal plan was to give the car to charity in africa and fly back, are there any countries on route that would be ok with leaveing the car there and for us to leave the country be other means?
Any help and advise on this last minute and dramatic change to our destination would be much appricated.