Jordanian Visa in London
1 months ago Travcour told me that as a South African I could only get a 3 month visa for Jordan and that it would take 3-5 days to apply for.
Finally last week the Jordanian embassy website went live and it advised that none-(list of countries) first had to apply for approval which wuold take 4-6 weeks and then only could you apply for the visa itself. Well obviously in panic I downloaded the required forms from the website and headed down to the Jordanian embassy. On arrival I was told I had the wrong form and was handed a new one which I filled in there and then. They then told me to sit and wait. 10 minutes later they said all is OK andf I can come collect my passport in the afternoon and oh's a 6 month multiple entry.
Oh yes and they were going to charge me £25 over and above the claimed visa application fee of £21. Well the visa was free.
Once again I have come to realise that so-called visa agents add very little value to the actual process which they make out to be so very complicated which in fact is made very straightforward with a bit of patience and a smile.
Last edited by Bossies; 17 Jul 2007 at 15:02.