All prohibits are for local people.(Even the king has some bikes.)
Carnet de Passage is a must. Otherwise you will be deported to the Israel border from Aqaba 10 km.away.You have to hire a customs officer for 40 euros to deport you. (Andon's diary..2011 jan.)
(Severals members travelling in the areas continuously)
some more information
Some stats on Jordan
Area: 89 206 sq km
Capital: Amman
Language: Arabic although a lot of people can speak English
Money: Jordanian Dinar, 1JD = 0,91 Euro
Official name: Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Population: 6.2 million
Places you must see.
1-Petra: this is the place where Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade were filmed. It consists of sandstone formations which were carved out as a temple.
2-Dead Sea: the lowest place on the earth and with salinity content so high that one drifts on the water without sinking.
3-A few game reserves and wetland sanctuaries where I will be able to spot birds and game.
4-Bethany beyond the Jordan where Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.
5-Amman the capital of Jordan.
6-Kings Highway what is supposed to be a beautiful road through the desert?
7-wadi rum...The well known film “Lawrence of Arabia “was filmed in the Rum desert.
Best wishes