Originally Posted by vicky250gt
Hey Ric, hows life treating ya ?
I've heard of this rule from a few years ago and also personally seen a guy here in khobar owning 4 bikes inspite of being quoted this rule at the time of bike purchase/registration.
I have even heard people (mostly non motorcyclists) talking about rules which forbid ex-pats owning bikes in saudi, but thats not the case right ?
worry not, go ahead and get the bike u lucky bugger. which one is it btw ?
Still ducking and diving Vik. I've found out a bit more about this law.. it's for real and was introduced a couple of weeks ago. Prior to this the limit was two bikes, although this wasn't strictly enforced. I think they have limited ex-pat car ownership too.
The HD dealer says the Police won't register a second bike in your name any more.
I can't see the sense in it myself.. just acts as a restriction on the local economy. I was hoping to pick this one up at a good price. 2000 miles, 2006 model. Good bike for the big ride back. Hopefully find a way..
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