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Photo by Lois Pryce, fueling up in Tunisia

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Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by Docsherlock View Post
Even if he'd been up front about charges, that would have been fine - no-one minds paying for food/accommodation/help but pretty much everyone resents being duped and/or ripped off.....

According this post my biggest mistake was that i did not told people about charging for place to stay and everybody thoughts its free
but i need to get money for continue hosting if not i cant pay the The cost of water, electricity,etc for governments even staying here is included with breakfast and lunch

its not fair about me,is it true????
Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by henryuk View Post
I've also had an email from Hossein asking me to comment that he is a great trustworthy guy etc. Problem is I've never met the guy.
According dear henryuk :
i just read his website on net and i saw a post there which is saying he bought insurance after the borde about 100$
so asked him to write that insurance price is about 100$ and everybody can understand that i am not trying to sell insurance expensive and the interesting is the price of insurance is not going in my pocket ,its for governments

finally just i asked henryuk to say about insurance cost not about me because we never meet eachother

Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by dakaralex View Post
Congratulations Matthias!

Maybe you are one of the only lucky dudes at his place! Or maybe he and his father were scared and didn't rip you off becuase you were four people...??

And which expectations? We had absolutly no expectations. We were and are always happy about every single soup or glas of water we got offered. But throwing sick people out on the street without any warning has nothing to do with too high expactations...

And by the way, what a strange deal is this, that his account is working again but used by sbdy. else who has to proof Hosseins great character one more time...????????????????????????????

And you dakar you are still my friend
but the matthias is not only one of dudes i hosted more than 100 groups of travelers it means sometimes i host 1 person and sometimes 5 person and just 3 group had bad memory also i just asked some of travelers to write about me here although there is tens of peoples

we take care about you while you were sick and took the doctor,give you food and etc for free,and you just told that you dont have money and you will stay here and find work to working then sleeping nights in our place
because of this we afraid
and on that they when you left our place you were ok not sick

BTW my account is working because i am not that person you describe for every person

there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:
how cool is this,is it fair?

again i say if i did mistake for few of travelers which are sad about me i am sorry and excuse me
My main goal is to be helpful for riders in a strange country

Overlanders,Meeting Mr.Hossein

i wish everybody have a good start in 2013!


Last edited by hosseinthebiker; 30 Dec 2012 at 18:35.
Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:
how cool is this,is it fair?

Sorry Hossein, I have no intention of taking part in this discussion. Quite frankly I do not care in the slightest about it. And I have never even been to Iran yet.
However I very much resent that my name has been mentioned by you here. I have not, to my memory, ever written anything on any public forum about you, nor do I intend to. I would be grateful if you would amend your post and remove my name from it.


Giacomo ( Antonio)
Old 30 Dec 2012
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Hi Hossein,

Yes, it is true that I mentioned we had planned to visit you but after reading the forums decided probably not.

I sent you a PM/email that did not get answered, before all this stuff came out on the forums.

OK, so can you confirm:

1. Do you charge people to stay with you? I don't think this is a problem if you do, but people like to know how much you charge and that this is the case before they arrange to stay with you.

2. Of course there are two sides to every story; you have given your side of it for the rider that says he was put out on the street even though he was sick. Only you and he will know exactly what happened there.

3. Do you take commissions on insurance and money that is changed? It would appear that some riders have had issues with this.

I think if you want to make a business out of hosting motorcycle travelers, it is not a problem but most people would prefer you to be honest about this and tell them this is the case as well as outlining any fees you charge for services before they agree to you helping them.

Please answer these points.

Thank you.


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
And you dakar you are still my friend
but the matthias is not only one of dudes i hosted more than 100 groups of travelers it means sometimes i host 1 person and sometimes 5 person and just 3 group had bad memory also i just asked some of travelers to write about me here although there is tens of peoples

we take care about you while you were sick and took the doctor,give you food and etc for free,and you just told that you dont have money and you will stay here and find work to working then sleeping nights in our place
because of this we afraid
and on that they when you left our place you were ok not sick

BTW my account is working because i am not that person you describe for every person

there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:
how cool is this,is it fair?

again i say if i did mistake for few of travelers which are sad about me i am sorry and excuse me
My main goal is to be helpful for riders in a strange country

Overlanders,Meeting Mr.Hossein

i wish everybody have a good start in 2013!

Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by Docsherlock View Post

can you confirm:

1. Do you charge people to stay with you? I don't think this is a problem if you do, but people like to know how much you charge and that this is the case before they arrange to stay with you.

2. Of course there are two sides to every story; you have given your side of it for the rider that says he was put out on the street even though he was sick. Only you and he will know exactly what happened there.

3. Do you take commissions on insurance and money that is changed? It would appear that some riders have had issues with this.
Hi Sean

Regarding your Queries:

1.yes,i charge people only for staying which is included with breakfast and lunch and the price is only 25$ but the hotels are a bit more
so,with this you can count on me about my supports at the borders,and etc.

2.about the rider,i dont want to speak more as you said only i and he will know exactly what happened here.

3.i dont take any commissions for insurance and exchange even i dont let riders to ride own bikes because of traffic and so on
i take them with my car or motobike and spending my fuel its not problem for me
my main goal is to be helpful for travelers nothing else

best wishes

Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
And you dakar you are still my friend....

....we take care about you while you were sick and took the doctor,give you food and etc for free,and you just told that you dont have money and you will stay here and find work to working then sleeping nights in our place
because of this we afraid
and on that they when you left our place you were ok not sick

I felt very sick and not in the mood like riding at all, when you kicked us out and you know that! Why should we afterwards have stayed two more nights in a hotel in Urmia...?
I told you that we are travelling with very low money, but nobody ever mentioned anything about working in Iran or even about staying at your house for a longer period of time. I have no idea how you got to this point? I guess it's just your point of view to justify your families behavior (in front of yourself).

And when you kicked us out WHY haven't you mentioned what you're concerned about? Instead you told us lies about an anniversary of the death of you fathers father and leaving to Teheran so suddenly, what was really strange! And later on in an e-mail you even agreed that nobody was leaving anywhere!

It's like docsherlock said. If you play straight from the beginning, it makes it way easier and will avoid such problems and pain!

Why and what the hell for all those lies....??????

Tell me, my "friend". I've heard so many amazing stories about hospitality for travellers and strangers in Iran and this is how you treat your friends..????

I have several people, who I consider to be my friends and you are definitly not included!!!

I guess most the people around here are smart enough and gathered their own conclusion about your behavior and it doesn't look like anything changed since your back and spreading posts everywhere ...
Old 30 Dec 2012
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dear dakaralex

Originally Posted by dakaralex View Post
I felt very sick and not in the mood like riding at all, when you kicked us out and you know that! Why should we afterwards have stayed two more nights in a hotel in Urmia...?
I told you that we are travelling with very low money, but nobody ever mentioned anything about working in Iran or even about staying at your house for a longer period of time. I have no idea how you got to this point? I guess it's just your point of view to justify your families behavior (in front of yourself).

And when you kicked us out WHY haven't you mentioned what you're concerned about? Instead you told us lies about an anniversary of the death of you fathers father and leaving to Teheran so suddenly, what was really strange! And later on in an e-mail you even agreed that nobody was leaving anywhere!

Why and what the hell for all those lies....??????

Tell me, my "friend". I've heard so many amazing stories about hospitality for travellers and strangers in Iran and this is how you treat your friends..????
you were very better than the day you arrive here and you can ride motobike tell me why you could go out with me but not riding motobike?
and you stayed there for finding somebody else and find a sulation for your winter time and find a job

yes you told that you have low money and because of that we never asked you for money or so on....and even i bought yours everything just think about that man!
your friend told in farsi that you want stay longer find a job for winter time

the anniversary was true i just dident know we will go there,just this

you just dont know situations in iran if security services find you in a house of somebody they will take you and on that time you will get know whats happened to you.....but i'm allove to host travelers in my place officially

nobody doesnt believe you because everything is clear


my main goal is to be helpful
Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
nobody doesnt believe you because everything is clear


my main goal is to be helpful


I'm not suprised at all, that you again have an explanation and excuse for everything. I didn't expect anything different...

I'm very tired of all this sh*** and the great and helpfull Hossein!

And you are right, for me it is totally clear!!! and I guess for several more users, as well and I'm sure most of them are also getting tired of it...

And stop writting me e-mails every single day!!! It will not change my experience at your place, at all!

Old 30 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by dakaralex View Post

I'm not suprised at all, that you again have an explanation and excuse for everything. I didn't expect anything different...

I'm very tired of all this sh*** and the great and helpfull Hossein!

And you are right, for me it is totally clear!!! and I guess for several more users, as well and I'm sure most of them are also getting tired of it...

And stop writting me e-mails every single day!!! It will not change my experience at your place, at all!
Dear dakaralex

I also tired of your thoughts as Matthias said Of course, Hossein is a motorbike-enthusiastic young man, and he might not comprehend all the needs of a "poor" tourist. But you should take into account, that we as tourists have to adapt to the countries we travel, not the other way around.
That means for me: I never set my expectations too high, then I don't get disappointed!

Pay attention for this

Also everything is clear for my friends as well and just 3 peoples between houndreds of peoples i hosted what means this?

And i dont send you every day an email why do you tell this?i just sent you a message to say meery christmas and happy new year,thats my polite

Overlanders,Meeting Mr.Hossein


Old 31 Dec 2012
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A friend of mine......

Hi folks
this is about me as well and posted on 2010

Hi all. During my Iran leg trip Anabasis Motorbike I met a very good guy in Urmia who loves to help any biker travelling north Iran. His name is Hossein Sheakhloo and his contact details are hosseinthebiker (ad) yahoo.com

phone number is:+989143474653

He is a biker also, but as big engines are forbidden there, he rides a small one.

He has hosted some long distance travellers in their ways to Pakistan and he would love to help any of you. Iran people are so nice and he is even more than average because his love for bikes.

Here it is (wearing glasses) with an american guy he hosted.

These are two friends of me who have been hosted by him and this is their blog (in Spanish as they are argentinians)TragandoTierra

Enjoy Iran

Original post is here:


Last edited by hosseinthebiker; 2 Jan 2013 at 19:15.
Old 31 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
the price is only 25$ but the hotels are a bit more
so,with this you can count on me about my supports at the borders,and etc.
Not true at all! Hotels around are (for example Salmas) 10 dollars for a bed and breakfast. With bed!

and i took him to the bank for changing money and official rate was low,thats surly is not my Fault
Why do I have informations from the Isfahan, that the money rate at that day was not so bad at all?
And in my calculations missing just around 100 dollars?

Overall, I'm off from this conversation. You don't need to apologize cause it is not worth.

People can read this thread and they will choose if they will come or not.

My only suggestion to the people who will changing the money with him, go with him to the exchange office (not the bank) and change it there, but stay next to him. Don't let that he is going alone with excuse that you are a foreigner and there is a lot of paperwork. There are no complications at all for the foreign people.

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Old 31 Dec 2012
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did you accept for charging place or not?

Originally Posted by NejcT View Post
Not true at all! Hotels around are (for example Salmas) 10 dollars for a bed and breakfast. With bed!

Why do I have informations from the Isfahan, that the money rate at that day was not so bad at all?

People can read this thread and they will choose if they will come or not.

My only suggestion to the people who will changing the money with him, go with him to the exchange office (not the bank) and change it there, but stay next to him. Don't let that he is going alone with excuse that you are a foreigner and there is a lot of paperwork.

Hi dear friend
hope you doing well

first of all the price of hotels are different in each city and salmas is a small city so prices are lower but in urmia hotels are 3,4,5 stars so thats expensive!and tell me the truth we said that you should charge so,did you accept it happily or not???be honest please

And never in isfahan can not know that hows rate in urmia because sometimes rates are not good and offices just stops buying and selling that day even websites is closing as well

And i offer people to stay in our place and then report about me,if somebody report i am that person you saying i will stop hosting and meeting travelers forever PAY ATTENTION FOREVER I PROMISE THIS

And the travelers can stay next to me on exchange office(not bank)not problem at all


Old 31 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
and tell me the truth we said that you should charge so,did you accept it happily or not???be honest please
If I'm honest, at 22.30 on the clock when your father said the price, what should I say? Did we have any choice to go in the middle of the night in unknown city without any information? If this happens to me today, I know I would leave, so I regret that we didn't.

You should mention it before. You send me 3 emails and couple of sms and also a call. You said that we are invited that you will host us. In my country that means no charge. In other parts of Iran also.

I don't want to discuss it anymore. This is all from me. I hope, people will be more careful in this kind of situations all over the world.

Regards and best wishes!

BlogOverland travel tours
Old 31 Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker View Post
Hi dear friend
hope you doing well
It's the same and the same again! Is this your scheme? Try to pretend to be so polite till the end, that it should look like the most honest and helpfull person on earth...???

And for every criticism you have an excuse and want to have the last word! For what? If you are that inoccent and great why do have to push soooo damm hard? Accept that some people just felt cheated very much while beeing with you!

And btw. why do you hide your CouchSurfing-profile?? I know! Because other people, who are no bikers at all (just backpackers) have had the excat same bad experience at your place and reported it!And now your are afraid to gain more of such references....

I'm sure you'll have another great excuse why and because and bla bla bla ....
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