Good write-up! I'll add some tips for a website too:
* unless you're an expert (but even then...) don't bother with making/designing a website by yourself. I just buy some webspace and put on WordPress (or get it hosted at Wordpress for free). It's a blog program which you can fancy up with skins and graphics. It's not very hard. Also, it has lots of plugins for running adds (nice for your sponsors), Google Maps (to show maps with your tracklogs).
* advertise your website. That's not the same as spamming, but for instance: put it in your tagline on the various forums (like I do). Start topics in relevant forums, telling about your trip and pointing people to your site. Also, the more sites link to yours, the higher you get ranked at Google.
* Post regular updates everywhere
* Use Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Hyves etc. Use keywords at Twitter (#keyword) to get noticed. These things help to drive traffic to your site, and that is good for sponsors. The more people come to your site, the better.
* Don't put (all) your video and photos on your site! It only fills up space and consumes mega-bandwidth, which will cost you. Put the video on Youtube and embed it on your site. It will display in your site, but the bill for the bandwidt is for Google. Put your photo's on some free online photostore (that allows embedding on your own site). Or just put a few photo's on your site, and link to one of the online photostores (some offer slideshows) that you can get for free almost anywhere. And make small versions of your photo's before you put 'm on your site. You can specify a display size, but it's still the big file sitting on your site, costing your storage and bandwith. And a picture that it reduced by your browser often looks ugly (and is slow, because it still has to load the big bugger).