Tour company - advice
I am opening a campsite(mainly for the motor home owner) in Parnu ,Estonia next year or at the latest ,the following season.I have bought the land ,all permissions have been granted and will start the building let's say im open and running next season.looking at this website got me thinking!!.Why not(when the camp is up and running)introduce motorcyle tours into the baltic region??.....thats where you come in!!.any investers or advisers about this whole topic would be most welcome to mail me.If i could make this project work(motorcycle tours in the baltic states),it would the the topping on the cake!!.As you can understand im busy at this moment trying to get the campsite up and running,but would welcome any liked minded person who would be willing to share this propject with me.This is a brief discription of the concept that i have in mind.if there is anybody out there that would be willing to relise this project with me,please feel free to contact me.I plan to up sticks and leave this country before it sinks!...