Khawi Nam Cascade (my Youtube clip) are at N27 40 57.0 W12 13 10.8
Leave the N13 road and head south at N28 04 17.7 W12 07 54.9
Oua'ar Cascades are at N28 03 21.0 W11 53 45.0
Leave the N13 road and head south at N28 10 22.0 W11 51 42.9
There's also the Gouffre (collapsed sea cave) directly on the N13 at N28 06 25.2 W12 02 16.8 next to the coastguard lookout.
"For sheer delight there is nothing like altitude; it gives one the thrill of adventure
and enlarges the world in which you live," Irving Mather (1892-1966)