Ice Plants.
On my last trip my ARB fridge broke down so I popped into the Ice Plant near the harbour at Tarfaya and was given a load of chopped ice for free. These plants can usually be found at any of the harbours that service a fishing fleet and they are always very happy to help passing travellers.
As a matter of interest,this ice remained chiiled in the ARB fridge for 4 days afterwards and I managed to avert the tragedy of warm nectar  .
Now my question is: has anyone found commercial ice plants in the interior?
Modern readymixed concrete plants may have flake ice plants attached to them but,my experience with scrounging at these facilities has been mixed
Most towns in UAE and Oman have an commercial ice plant where you can buy bulk chopped ice which is better and at a fraction of the cost of packets of cubes from supermarkets.
I have asked a Moroccan friend but she has not heard of any!
Has anyone found these in Morocco?
PS: A thread to give us all something to think about during the low season