Hello all,
This is my first post here, so hopefully I won't get

for doing it in the wrong place or the wrong way.
First of all I have to apologise for asking a question that has probably been asked a 1000 times before, but I'm working on a ship in the North Sea with a sh..

internet connection, so I'm having huge difficulties searching the forum.
I've purchased and read Chris Scott's Morocco Overland. It is an excellent read, but a bit overwhelming, because so many of the pistes sound really good.
I'm flying in to Marrakech on November 23rd, have rented a Prado and will spend 7 full days driving around. The trick is that I've never been to Morocco before, I'm not a super experienced off-roader and I'm bringing a girl (almost on a first date) on the trip, so I have a few challenges lined up
If anyone could recommend a nice 1 week route that would be sensational
Ideally I would like to head through the High Atlas (MH) and Sahara (MS), as well as swing by Essaouira (because that's the one thing the girl wants to see) and spend at least a night in Marrakech. Besides that I'm up for anything. I'll bring a tent, but suspect the girl might want a hotel room for at least a few of the nights. Though I'm not a super experienced off-road driver these days, I did drive LR Defenders quite a bit off-road when I was in the army almost 20 years ago, but Norway is a "bit" different from Morocco.
Any input would be greatly appreciated and I will gladly buy you a

if we meet (assuming we can find some).
- Andreas