Moroccan/Spain advice please
I have imported my UK reg bike via shipment to Casa port, local customs have given me 6 months temp import as a tourist. Now it's almost time to return the bike to the UK as the 6 months is nearing its end.
The catch is my bike is long overdue its first MOT as it's just over 3 years old, question is, can I get a ITV in Algecira to ensure the bike is at least legal in Spain. The plan is to make a MOT appointment in Portsmouth for when I reach UK shores.
This goes for insurance too as I have no green card but insurers are willing to insure me as soon as I enter EU territory, not knowing that I don't have a valid MOT, so will the ITV do?
Here's the Q's:
1 Can I get Spanish insurance as soon as I enter Spain from Morocco
2 Can a Spanish ITV station test a UK reg bike
3 Can I enter the UK showing my intentions of having it MOT'd immediately
Any other info welcome
Cheers in advance