You could well experience 30ºC shade temperature plus a hot sun, but generally it will likely be a bit cooler, and much cooler at altitude. In winter time it doesn't matter too much, but I avoid black clothing due to solar gain. If I am cold I can always put on layers, but if I'm overheating there's not much I can do other than to soak my gear in water for the evaporation effect.
And I never understood the thought process from BMW and others behind having a waterproof layer *under* the outside textile gear.
So my preference is for unlined well-ventilated lightweight 'air' type jacket and trousers in silver or light grey. On cold days I can always wear thermal long johns underneath, use an electric jacket, or put waterproofs on top.
Though I do admit to also riding offroad in shorts and t-shirt on tracks I know well
"For sheer delight there is nothing like altitude; it gives one the thrill of adventure
and enlarges the world in which you live," Irving Mather (1892-1966)