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Photo by Brad-Houghton, of Parque Nacional Eduardo Avaroa, Bolivia

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Old 4 May 2013
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Location of Start of San Francisco CCR June 2 here

June 2, 2013 Clancy Centenary Ride Start Location

Alan R. Lapp, a CITY BIKE contributor, and Bay Area GPS Guru, Thor Anderson, have shouldered the boots-on-the-ground responsibilities for aerial photographs and maps of the downtown and wharf area of the Official Start Point.

The first map below shows a blow-up of the lower city. The Start is at the end of Jefferson St. in a Park area, nearly halfway between the many wharfs.

The second photograph is an aerial view, showing the public area for the photo ops in blue. See below.

The third map below is a close-up of the area at the end of Jefferson Street. For those paper or plasti-coated mapped challenged, the coordinates are: Lat:37.8907506, Long: -122.421896. There is metered parking at the junction of Jefferson Street and Hyde Street for those who have portfolio beta factors supporting feeding city revenue sources.

The plan is for interested parties to arrive between 10:00 AM and 10:30 for tire kicking, swapping of tale tales and being close to their motorcycles in case moving them around is required. A group photo is planned for 11:00 AM. Bring celebratory and positive spirits to mix or join with the riders who will be setting off towards Sacramento and then on to New York City as they follow Clancy's 5,500 mile journey.

A final word of caution to digitalized and GPS followers: If you get lost or disoriented in downtown San Francisco on Sunday, fall back on the Clancy solution, paper maps. AAA gives them away free to members.
Attached Thumbnails
The Clancy Centenary Ride 2012-2013-ccr-start-june-2-sf  

The Clancy Centenary Ride 2012-2013-ccr-start-june-2-sf  

The Clancy Centenary Ride 2012-2013-ccr-start-june-2-sf  

Sun Chaser, or 'Dr.G', Professor of Motorcycle Adventure at SOUND RIDER magazine. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer/Indian Motorcycle Racer/journalist/author/global economist/World's # 1 Motorcycle Adventure Sleeper & Wastrel
Soul Sensual Survivor: www.greataroundtheworldmotorcycleadventurerally.co m
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Old 12 May 2013
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On May 1st Geoff and Gary made it to Sri Lanka. On May 2nd, we made a quick trip to Colombo. The next day, we departed on a 3-day discovery of Clancy's tracks. As of today, May 11th, Geoff's story is being told on the website of Adelaide Insurance. It was a lovely experience to be part of the team for a couple of days.
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Old 12 May 2013
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Originally Posted by alfonso-lanka View Post
On May 1st Geoff and Gary made it to Sri Lanka. On May 2nd, we made a quick trip to Colombo. The next day, we departed on a 3-day discovery of Clancy's tracks. As of today, May 11th, Geoff's story is being told on the website of Adelaide Insurance. It was a lovely experience to be part of the team for a couple of days.
thanks for your help and support Alfonso, it's much appreciated!
Grant Johnson
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Old 17 May 2013
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If I wanted to join this ride in progress, say in Butte or Billings or Bismarck, how would the EXACT location of the meeting place be known? I'm planning a trip from California to North Carolina and would like to ride along for awhile. Cannot leave at the start in San Francisco on 6/2.
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Old 20 May 2013
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EXACT Locations


EXACT evening location for Butte, Billings and Bismark are:

Butte, June 6: Hampton Inn
Billings, June 7 & 8: Residence Inn
Bismark, June 9: Fairfield Inn & Suites So.

At the Residence Inn in Billings, June 8, from 7:00-9:00 PM we will be making a presentation for interested parties on Riding the World and the progress of The Clancy Centenary Ride to date.

Generally expect our group to trickle in after 5:00 PM and be in and out of the location for eating, shopping and personal matters. Departures between 8:00-9:00 AM.

Like Clancy and Allen, on their portion of this leg, they were on a loose daily schedule, so we have adopted a similar travel philosophy.
Sun Chaser, or 'Dr.G', Professor of Motorcycle Adventure at SOUND RIDER magazine. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer/Indian Motorcycle Racer/journalist/author/global economist/World's # 1 Motorcycle Adventure Sleeper & Wastrel
Soul Sensual Survivor: www.greataroundtheworldmotorcycleadventurerally.co m
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Old 22 May 2013
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Pertinent Details

This is starting to get more interesting now, Sun Chaser. June isn't too far away all of a sudden.

Along a similar line, before the date arrives, we'd like to know where ya'll will be hanging in Detroit on 16 June. We/I are keenly interested in riding over to Cleveland with the gaggle.

I for one am glad you discovered and documented Carl Clancy's Ride. We look forward to meeting with the entourage, and taking in the scenery in northern Ohio [before we drop down into Kentucky for a family wedding]...

Godspeed Ya'll!
Phil & Karen
Ft Washington, MD
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Old 22 May 2013
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Detroit Area, June 16

Phil and Karen:

June 16, Detroit (area) finds Richard Livermore, myself and ? booked (just now confirmed) at the Dearborn Inn, Dearborn, MI, again likely arriving after 5:00 PM, out by 9:00 AM June 17. That is the loosely slated "plan," subject to various winds, motorcycle maintenance and pilots being able to vector in according to the "plan."
Sun Chaser, or 'Dr.G', Professor of Motorcycle Adventure at SOUND RIDER magazine. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer/Indian Motorcycle Racer/journalist/author/global economist/World's # 1 Motorcycle Adventure Sleeper & Wastrel
Soul Sensual Survivor: www.greataroundtheworldmotorcycleadventurerally.co m
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Old 23 May 2013
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Thanks for the Info

Okay Greg:

Got our reservation in for the 16th. For a 4PM check-in and an 8AM check-out, that's a good chunk of change!

I'm guessing the Ten Eyck Tavern is also upscale... Hope they have something good on tap besides Detroit's own Stroh's...

Why this particular inn, if I may ask? Are they rolling out the red carpet to the C-Cubed Globetrotters at the Henry Ford Museum? One hopes that is the case.

Hope your travels are both enjoyable and not exceptionally eventful.
Sláinte! (Gaelic)
Phil & Karen Ager
Ft Washington, MD
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Old 23 May 2013
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Secrets of a frugal traveler budget

Yes, the motel is a bit upscale. The secret is we're on a bit of a budget, so are cashing in some points for travel miles (the kind you bank using credit cards and on certain travel purchases for car rental, airlines, food, etc.), and we are doubling up in one room, splitting room costs. Also taking advantage of free hotel services when we can, like free breakfasts, wifi and use of business centers (several of us are trying to keep our jobs and/or businesses alive while riding 8-12 hours a day). One of us has been known to stuff breakfast fruit and bottled water in their Darien riding gear pockets for a noonish nosh while traveling thus saving more dosh by not restauranting for a mid day meal.

We suspect where our budget will get hammered is evening meals accompanied by house swill. Another one of us (unnamed) has been known to buy his evening meal at a local super market, in a can or plastic container, and use the motel in-room micro-wave to heat it and then washing it down with store purchased swill. He objects when called a cheap traveler, prefers the word frugal.

On a journey like ours two of the costs we can control are the price we pay for eating and sleeping. Other costs, such as gasoline, tolls, and entry fees we consider a fixed travel or road tax.

We believe Clancy and his travel pals were pretty frugal as they crossed the USA, with the exception of the noted ice cream which they seemed to favor at the end of a day versus a nip or two.
Sun Chaser, or 'Dr.G', Professor of Motorcycle Adventure at SOUND RIDER magazine. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer/Indian Motorcycle Racer/journalist/author/global economist/World's # 1 Motorcycle Adventure Sleeper & Wastrel
Soul Sensual Survivor: www.greataroundtheworldmotorcycleadventurerally.co m
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Old 24 May 2013
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Greg ... I'll be joining you 10:30am on Sunday June 2nd from the San Fran starting point ... but sadly only riding along for a day. Ride safe and see you soon .. Geoff
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Old 24 May 2013
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Heading East

Greg and crew,
Safe travels through the country. Looking forward to meeting on the East coast. Promise to buy at least the first round to aid in travel budget.
I can wager a guess who the frugal one might be…
(Closest thing to a monkey I could find)
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Old 29 May 2013
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clancy ride

Hi Greg

where are you staying in Medford or Portland I will join
up with you in one or another of the places?>?
Barry 1616
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Old 30 May 2013
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Medford and Portland Oregon

Mr. Barry:

Medford, OR:

Hampton Inn

Portland, OR:

Courtyard Portland North Harbor

Registered both nights under "Mr. Livermore"
Sun Chaser, or 'Dr.G', Professor of Motorcycle Adventure at SOUND RIDER magazine. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer/Indian Motorcycle Racer/journalist/author/global economist/World's # 1 Motorcycle Adventure Sleeper & Wastrel
Soul Sensual Survivor: www.greataroundtheworldmotorcycleadventurerally.co m
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Old 30 May 2013
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CCR Telephone #

Rolling Cell Number:

(303) *** **** is our USA Clancy Centenary Ride cellular telephone # from June 2 through June 21 as we follow Carl Stearns Clancy’s tire tracks from San Francisco, CA (June 2) to Portland, OR, and then across the USA to Penn Station in downtown New York City, NY (June 21). During the day (mornings from 8:00 AM) it will be in a tank bag, and evenings on a person and turned ON until 21:00 (local time). At $1.00 a minute do not expect to engage in long conversations as the owner is known as being significantly frugal.

Chief, World Adventure Affairs Desk, CITY BIKE Magazine
Sun Chaser, or 'Dr.G', Professor of Motorcycle Adventure at SOUND RIDER magazine. Professional Motorcycle Adventurer/Indian Motorcycle Racer/journalist/author/global economist/World's # 1 Motorcycle Adventure Sleeper & Wastrel
Soul Sensual Survivor: www.greataroundtheworldmotorcycleadventurerally.co m

Last edited by Sun Chaser; 3 Jul 2013 at 04:19. Reason: Ride over, phone # deleted, RIP
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Old 31 May 2013
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Route Map

I just came across this thread.Great stuff!! I am in the Baja but may be wanting to catch you along the way east. Is there a routing iteniary? This makes a quick ride to Nova Scotia sound like fun!
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clancy, clancy centenary ride

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Clancy Centenary Ride to mark 100 years since first round-the-world bike trip This thread Refback 24 Oct 2012 15:48
Irish bikers mark 100 years of adventure riding | CMG News This thread Pingback 12 Oct 2012 13:37
Round the world centenary honoured - Motorcycle news : General news - Visordown This thread Refback 10 Oct 2012 12:25
A Titanic World Record Motorcycle Attempt in Ireland | Grease Gunner This thread Refback 6 Oct 2012 06:53
Carl Stearns Clancy Run - ::. UKGSer.com .:: This thread Refback 2 Oct 2012 17:39
A Titanic World Record Motorcycle Attempt in Ireland | MotorcycleInsurance.com This thread Pingback 23 May 2012 02:42
Horizons Unlimited Ireland 2012 - ::. UKGSer.com .:: This thread Refback 23 Apr 2012 19:37
RideAsia.net • View topic - 'ROUND THE WORLD RIDE Announced - Clancy Centenary Ride This thread Refback 3 Apr 2012 09:28
The Carl Stearns Clancy run... - Page 2 - ::. UKGSer.com .:: This thread Refback 23 Mar 2012 19:10
The Love Ride, Jay Leno, Peter Fonda, Hairy Bikers, - Women Riders Now - Motorcycling News & Reviews This thread Refback 18 Oct 2011 18:54

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