the file now includes also campings etc. of the world.
Camping-Welt.zip, Google-Earth-KML + GPX - ZIP, 32 KB ------------------------>
Following countries are avaiable, the new one's in red color:
Albanien - Aegypten - Algerien - Angola - Äthiopien - Botswana - Gambia - Griechenland - Iran - Jordanien - Kenia - Lettland - Libyen - Litauen - Malawi - Marokko - Mauretanien - Montenegro - Namibia - Niger - Oman - Polen - Senegal - Simbabwe - Sudan - Syrien - Tansania - Tchad - Tunesien - Türkei - Zentralafrikanische Republik - Sambia - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
The countries are separated in directories.
If someone has coordinates for not included countries and campgrounds, would be great if he sents me an PN or email.
Last edited by Ulrich; 6 Nov 2008 at 16:27.