I also have to say THANK YOU for this. It is an excellent resource.. You did a great job this combined with your off line program is just amazing.
Okay but i have a confession to make.I dont actually know how to use it. I know the data is there I just dont know how to get it off the google program and into a formate that i can use like a file for my GPS (garmin) or even haw to extract the coordinates so i can look up on a map. (I dont have earth plus, only jsut downloaded earth today).
Basically is there anyway that you can take the kml files and get them in to mapsource or Smelly bikers maps. I am so very sorry if this is a truely stupid question. I am a bit of a noob when it comes to GPS (maps I am good at but these things.. it is a long climb ahead of me). I have read the etnire google earth "how to use" thing and it has not helped. Is GPX the Garmin formate if so why can i see them any ideas
EDIT: NEVER MIND_ I sorted it out.. for the ones like me who could not sort it out. It is a simple case of drag and drop the GPX file to the way points tab (window) of the Mapsource program!!!
Last edited by Xander; 9 Jan 2009 at 20:34.