I'd be interested to know which automotive functionality has been left out of the 276C. Reading the Garmin website it appears that there is no difference in auto routing software between the GPS V (my current unit), the 276C and the StreetPilot range. In what respect does the 296/276 not do as good a job as a StreetPilot for navigation?
As for storage capacity, I'm used to 'making do' with only 19MB, so 256MB is a definate improvement. I'm not sure how far you ride, but I don't see that as a limitation. My limit tends to be about 4k miles due to time restrictions. But then that'll include a couple of 800 mile days to get to where I'm going, and those days don't need street level mapping.
Costwise; 276C in the UK costs £650, with a memory card costing £140. The SP2610 costs £900, and it should be possible to pick up a 256MB CF card for about £60. Not a lot in it.
Thanks for the input, Iain.