Garmin Zumo - Navigating to custom POI
I've recently got myself a Zumo 660 and I'm struggling with navigating to custom POIs near a certain point. For example on my good old TomTom I could go to to "Navigate To -> POI -> In City" and then choose the POI category which would include my custom POIs. I can't see how to do this on the Zumo.
I can navigate to "Where to -> Extras -> Custom POI" and then see all my POIs relative to my current position, but what I want to do is to navigate to a custom POI in/near a city or a certain point on the map. For example, I may be doing 400 miles to my destination for the day and I want to find a campsite (Custom POI) near my destination before I depart.
Am I missing something, or is this a function that isn't available on the Garmin?