Ted- no excuses!
the 600
For those of you that knew the 62S, the 600 is as close to this unit as I can think but with a 4" diag screen.
Most of the menus are the same
The level of screen / data fields customisation is very high and easy to do-
The key is to learn about the purpose of profiles and how to create them-
For example, you may prefer no motorways, no tolls and you can create a particular profile to do just that.
Another could be Motorways and tolls OK - so that if fatigue or the weather closes in, you can almost instantly, by changing profiles, change your routing preferences.
The screen is very very clear even in direct sunlight- I'll be making a bespoke 'sun-shield for it as well as a handlebar mount as soon as the Garmin mount comes- it is plastic and will need some anti-vibration mounts like TT makes - but TT will take awhile to make one so I'm currently making my own.
Power is fed from the base of the mount to 'brass pins' under the unit so no worries about the usb plug which remains covered up with a rubber bung.
A speaker output is also on the side covered up with a rubber bung.
Custom POI's are great- I still have not hit the buffer limit having uploaded a smidge of 322,000

The specs of the unit are available on the Garmin site so no need for me to repeat them here.
This unit feels very rugged- and it is heavier than expected. It's powered by one single Li-Ion battery 3.7V 2000mAh, 7.4Wh but there are slots to take 3 normal AA type batteries too- that's a real plus.
Micro SD- I am using 4GB as these are the largest I have. Garmin tells me that 32GB will
probably work. That's an awful lot of mapping!
IMHO it is not a good idea to use such large micro SD card - as one failed on me today- (all 'eggs in one basket'=stuffed if that happens to you on the road)
I prefer to have a small pile of them in a wee box that weighs almost nothing just in case this happens.
The manual (in various languages ) are stored in the 'documents' folder in the the main memory of the unit.
I deleted all but two- sadly you cannot access the PDF from the unit so I copied mine to my phone.
The screen can be set to 'auto' rotate so you can have landscape or A4 by just flipping it over- or you can lock it to your fav position. That is a great feature- Strange but when it comes to maps, I always prefer landscape!.
The 600 fits in my shirt pocket and has no outer antenna to catch-
It's rate of signal acquisition equates that of the 62S
For those willing to spend a little time setting it up, it is , in my opinion, probably the best navigator out there for now.
I would compare it, quality wise, to the 278C but with more memory, SD capability, faster, same size 4" screen and better colours.
I chose not to opt for the camera model as I prefer not to have a camera (or Bluetooth or an ipod etc etc) cluttering up my navigator.
You can exchange data though wirelessly between units.
It has a 3 axis compensated compass so ideal if you are going to mount this at any angle. The compass page has date fields that are also customiseable.
The unit has various 'dashboards' to chose from- again a useful feature especially the odometer that I rely on as well as that on the bike as I have no fuel gauges on any of my 3 fuel tanks!
TMotten- yes it can do all that. Connect the usb to your pc and it behaves like an external drive.
You can store your own documents, bike manuals etc there too- quite handy as a back up-
From the Garmin site you can download, for free, different pointers to relieve your monotony! I am currently using SpongeBob in a rowing boat!!!
Well recommended and I may be allowed to 'plug' a supplier who really deserves it, the fabulous level of customer service I received from Jacob, Diane and Jess at
Cotswold Outdoor (mail order dept) have been amazing.
No connection but a very happy customer.