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Navigation - Maps, Compass, GPS How to find your way - traditional map, compass and road signs, or GPS and more
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Old 26 Mar 2003
alan hopkins's Avatar
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GPS in Africa

I bought a Garmin V for use in europe and have found it fantastic and (so far) reliable.
After talking with retailer about using it in Africa or just buy a smaller cheaper one he said the GarminV would be ideal with the world map software installed I could find towns, main roads etc as well as mark weypoints.
Has anyone used such a device in Africa with built in maps?
is it any use?
does anyone know of a list of villages and waterholes or other usefull weypoints that I could install?

Any help and advice to come, thank you

have fun with your helmet!
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Old 26 Mar 2003
alan hopkins's Avatar
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weypoints are waypoints for the dyslexic
have fun with your helmet!
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Old 26 Mar 2003
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I used my Garming III+ in Marocco. The map in it isn't of much use. I wouldn't count on it. You need to do a lot of research and put the waypoints you need in there. You can find a lot on the net.
Ideally you get maps scanned in and use those to put the routes and waypoints into your GPS. But that is not as easy as it sounds. I am still in the process of getting maps scanned so that they are usable.
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Old 26 Mar 2003
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thanks fireboomer.

Checking out related stuff and sites on here. ozi stuff looks good.

Isn't the internet fantastic!
have fun with your helmet!
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Old 25 Apr 2003
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HI Alan,
I am planning a 6 month trip from london to capetown in october. I have a garmin E-map,which i was thinking of upgrading to a 3+ of a 5, how did you go with any mapping info. Garmin do a world map-wondering how detailed this is??.
As for way points ,i looks like long nights on the puter putting them in.
Cheers gazza.

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Ride hard,ride safe- Ride on...with no regrets of life passed by.
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Old 9 May 2003
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Hi Gazza

Haven't made any progress with gps yet, starting to concentrate on bike mechanics.

Have posted seperate request about 'how to read maps' and have got some links to check out.
Hey Chris (Scott) if you're out there, how about a sahara orienteering or general map reading course for us cabbages, based on your experience as much as anything. I could supply a central venue (Birmingham) in my workshop???
have fun with your helmet!
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Old 9 May 2003
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Why don't we do this at the HU UK Meeting? Sounds like a good idea to me.

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Old 9 May 2003
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Sorry to disappoint you but I believe GPS is much over rated for straightforward overlanding and I think AH you underestimate your ability to learn how to navigate - with a set of Michelins map reading is as simple there as anywhere. Unless you are planning something really radical (a bit much for a first trip) then just locate north (usually with the sun is enough) orientate a map and look around to relate the info. End of free map reading course.

Why would you want Afro villages and waterholes in a GPS? You'll get there eventually. All it would ever do is tell you how far in a straight line - whereas with a map you could work out how far on a road - much more real world. And once you get to sub Saharan Africa you will be wanting to get away from villages! (after a while).
I know its an amazing and cheap gadget but mark my words, once you cross the Sahara you'll hardly use it. Sure you can import calibrated quo vadis (TTech) maps. In Russian - big deal. Or laborioiusly scan and calibrate other ones. How are you going to read or make sense of them on a tiny screen? On the Sahara forum Karim asked about using a Palm Pilot instead - barely more useful but he got heaps of replies (maybe opinions?) - I didnt even bother reading them yet. Funnily enough in school they used to call me "palm pilot" even before the Amstrad 8510 was invented...

Its real usefulness is at sea - or in similar featureless (or maybe reduced visibility) environments. Even on D Riders we relied on it only about half a dozen times to point us towards dumps and a couple of key points which I'd copied off a map anyway. In these situations it was or course vital but even then all it can really do is confirm youi have made a mistake (assuming the map's up to it) or go to a place you've already waymarked.

So I say eyes up and look around at Africa going by not at a digi screen - that's what I'm trying to get away from!

In fact, its quite possible I crashed out on DRP looking at the bloody thing instead of the piste! Killer vid out next week, btw

Chris S

As someone once said "read ground to map - not map to ground" I'm not quite sure what it means but it sounds good.

Author of Sahara Overland and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, among other things

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Old 10 May 2003
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Hi Chris

First off, I have no experience of travelling accross wildernes but wouldn't the gps tell you instantly where you are even on a featureless landscape/poor visibility/night time, which when transfered to map would tell you how far to village etc.
I am not suggesting for a moment it would replace a map for o/land travelling but surely would work along well in conjunction, a sort of belt and braces approach to help bolster moral and fend off doubt?

I take your point(s) but I honestly do have an appalling sense of direction as ANYONE who knows me will confirm. (The Garmin V has completely replaced road atlas/maps for me over here and I now set off relaxed to any destination). Maybe you under estimate your own natural and experience learned skills.

How about travelling with a partner. Stopping to fuel/eat/study map etc. could both hit waypoint button then if lost/seperated could just backtrack to exact spot?

Maybe it's just because I am used to travelling with one regularly that I find more and more uses for mine all the time. As I said, just a backup.

And on the map reading thing, "a quick glance at the sun" would only confirm to me that it is daylight. Where do you learn all this stuff?
I could try joining the boy scouts but at forty two I think they might question my motives!!!

have fun with your helmet!
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Old 10 May 2003
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Hi Alan,
there is (IMHO) a good section on maps and navigation taken from an elementary level in my Sahara book starting on p.246. Perhaps my woggle years had some benefit after all ;-) and maybe I should incorporate it into the next AMH.
Your Garmin may have been nifty in Europe but that's only because there is enougb demand to have in-built maps as useful as a road atlas - Africa is at the bottom of the Garmin (and many others') list - only the biggest towns and main roads and borders will be shown unless you scan in calibrated TTech Russian maps, for example (dont start me on that...0
As for getting separated - this is a real problem to be sure and one should have a fixed rule to, say, return to the place both of you last stopped/talked/had a leak, crossroads etc - its the way we do it in the Sahara - and anyway which waypoint would you use unless you were constantly updating them?
So I would recommend to wean yourself off total reliance on the GPS for trans Africa.

Chris S

Author of Sahara Overland and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook, among other things

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Old 14 May 2003
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Fwiw I have done an easy Cape Town to Nairobi with a gps 3+. I was amazed at how many of the minor roads were displayed. e.g. the very minor perimeter road of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.

It's very useful in getting out of cities. Even if you're completely lost just head where you want to go (a compass is also quite good at this but just doesn't have enough knobs)

It's also good for morale to confirm you're actually going in the right direction, something it's rather hard to do at midday.

However, as pointed out above if your gps dies you must be able to use a compass and map (or, alternatively just take two gps's and hope the Americans don't turn the gps system off)

Jerome (44 1/2)


[This message has been edited by Jerome (edited 13 May 2003).]

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Old 14 May 2003
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I went on a tour of Normandy over the weekend with a bunch of guys from the UK thumper club. One of them had a very nifty little device that has got me re-thinking my plans to buy a Garmin Legend.

It was a Handspring PDA with a Magellin GPS unit neatly clipped to the back. The Magellin unit was made for the Handspring (at least that's the way it looked), and the maps were scalable with a scroll feature down one side of the unit. You could plot waypoints as usual, and use downloadable maps. The guy who owned it said the downloadable maps weren't always useful in towns, but otherwise he was quite pleased with it. He called it 'GPS on the cheap'.

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Old 20 May 2003
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All above taken onboard and I will definately take the garmin but learn to navigate properly somehow too. As said it would be a navigation aid and not a map replacement.

Quote "As for getting separated - this is a real problem to be sure and one should have a fixed rule to, say, return to the place both of you last stopped/talked/had a leak, crossroads etc - its the way we do it in the Sahara - and anyway which waypoint would you use unless you were constantly updating them?"
If you are lost how do you return to anywhere? Where as the gps will tell you the last place you marked as waypoint is twenty kilometrs in 'that' direction.
On Garmin V you simply hold 'enter' and a waypoint is created at your current position with a consecutive three digit number (001, 002, 003 etc.)which is hilighted for optional re-naming. You could leave default numbers as route waypoints and simply tell gps to take you back to last one if you get lost/seperated.

Barry I would do a thorough test of palm gadget before relying on one. I used to use one but it occasionally crashed and the thought of adding a gps to a pda sounds bit too swiss army tyre lever with built in flash light to me. The garmin has been robust and fault free for me.

have fun with your helmet!
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Old 21 May 2003
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Hi All

GPS are handy but they often go wrong and arn't able to cope with the battering that serious off roading will give them. Even if you get the so called toughend version from touratech with the rally mount.

I have had 2 Garmin V break on me and know of a number of other riders who have had similar problems. So far my new one is ok but have't used it off road yet. Can't beat having the safety of a map in the old tank bag to see where you are going.

Another point to remember is that you can only load a limited amount of map data on them, so you will need to take some other media with you to upload the rest of the maps on your GPS or store your waypoints on when the GPS is full, this opens a host of other problems.

They are great pieces of kit to help with your navigation but work even better when used in conjunction with your trusty old map. I would not personally rely soley on one if going remote.


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Old 21 May 2003
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Sorry your Garmins have proved unreliable, Julio. My experience of both the GPS III+ and the V has been excellent. Ours are taken almost exclusively into hot desert dunes, week in week out, and have survived countless hard landings and a fair number of falls. They are standard 'unhardened' units and have never failed.

The GPS is invaluable for marking the location of predetermined meeting points or broken down bikes etc., for navigating through dunes and for retracing 'breadcrumbs' to return the way you came.

They don't replace map reading skills in remote areas but, given the choice, I wouldn't go into the dunes without one.
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