Hi There,
For thew trip you are looking at I would wait until I was in the USA and buy a Garmin GPS 60CS
If you buy one in the UK you will get the Euro Basemap, if you buy a USA spec you get a Basemap of North, Central and South America - how detailed thes are I am not sure -anyone help there ???
I only know as Im looking at doing the same sort of trip in my Land Rover Alaska - Ushuaia and 60CS would be my first choice.
The 60cs is the latest handheld - third generation I suppose - very good with a much better defined colour screen.
If you are on a bike I would buy a mount from Touratech here before you leave and maybe hard wire in a power supply cable here too.
Here in the UK they go for about £250 (USA Spec), in the USA they are about £220 and you may find one even cheaper.
I have used Silva, Magellan, Lowrance, etc - but Garmin have a good product and customer support wordwide is always excellent in my experience.
Hope this helps,
Ex RAF Regt, Ex Dragoman, LRE Instructor,
LR 90 300 Tdi Overlander
Suzuki DR650 Overlander
..and Bloody Nice Bloke!