Home made baglux map holder
I have baglux tank bags which I use on my Trident and Daytona, but they don`t sit well on my XTZ660 due to the tank shape. I really only wanted the tank cover for protection and holding maps on.
Not wanting to pay an extortionate sum for a ready made baglux map holder I made one using a clear A4 plastic zip up document holder, a couple of U shaped bits of metal to go in the front clips and a couple of small gripping straps I had left over from a pushbike carrier to go through the rear clips. I gaffa taped the clear doc holder to a thicker bit of PVC fabric I had in the garage to give a bit of strength to it.
I bought 10 of the zip up holders on ebay for 1.99 including postage and that is all it cost me.
It is actually better than the baglux item because it will hold a full A4 sheet and it worked a treat on its road test this morning. I also will not mind leaving it on the bike as if it gets nicked I just make another one!
This old world keeps spinning round, it`s a wonder tall trees ain`t laying down.