Michael - no confusion here!
Hendi, the original op, said he felt he might be missing out on new tech and IMHO, I believe he was and offered my 2p.
Hendis' 76csx is a marine/trail unit - (I never liked its buttons on the top.)
I was referring to the progress in Marine (276, 278 and 278 C) and Trail units (60, 62s, 62 csx, 64, 64ST all of which I have bought, used, sold and updated). Hardware, software, signal acquisition, huge improvements in accuracy, options such as customiseable displays etc have all moved forward over the years and Glonass was a big change. All this is a long way from my first GPS III Plus and I would not want to go back to it!
So to answer your question Hendi, quite often as you can see. Only you can decide if you want to treat yourself to a new unit.