This might be a bit late but here it goes: QV is just excellent. It is more powerful, and more expensive, than the popular Ozi Explorer is. which is still very good. Get the Russian maps of Africa from TT when buying QV. The maps are a bit old but they provide the best coverage especially if you plan to off the beaten track. You will need a laptop with you to use it on the road though. There are PDA options from both TT and Ozi that you might want to check out.
The garmin maps are complelty useless when it comes to Africa. Search this foru, for more info and opinions. The russian maps have tons of details and once you get over the russian characters issue it's smooth sailing.
I use QV all the time, and Ozi occasionally, so feel free to ask me any specific questions about the software.
A.B. – Images from the Magical Sahara. – Jeep preparations.
Coordinates Converter – Lat/Long <-> UTM Conversion Tool.
[This message has been edited by A.B. (edited 15 November 2004).]
A.B. – Images from the Magical Sahara.