A couple of thoughts:
I used an eTrex in West Africa and it made it maybe 5000 miles before the USB connection failed… and I could not find the needed replacement part anywhere in Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, etc. – and oh how I tried! LOL. Finally I gave up as my riding partner was taking care of navigation with his 60csx.
Bottom line, USB connections may not be robust enough for rough, long-distance overland riding. Better is a powered mount like the Garmin AMPS Rugged Mount for the Montana. Or, bring backup USB connnectivity.
I am using that powered mount with a Montana 650 in East Africa. No problems from Johannesburg to Egypt and quite happy with the Montana, much better than my old eTrex.
I have both T4A and OSM loaded on the Montana… and I have maps.me on my Samsung smartphone, but do not have the smartphone mounted for use as a navigation device.
Good idea to have both T4A and OSM as they are each useful in certain areas and situations. OSM is especially valuable north of Kenya, where T4A tails off. Also have a collection of paper maps, they are helpful too.
Good luck Andy!