Both Basecamp and Mapsource work fine under windows.
Your cheapest option- aka Free!
Just place the Olaf map on one of your data cartridges- it is only 29,956kb ( just a smidge under 30Mb)
A more expensive options- buy a windows OS notebook second hand- loads around- and install Basecamp and Mapsource on it then install Olaf on that pc.
A simple solution for you Nick
If you need the Olaf map image I have one in my dropbox I can link you to.
1- download the image
2- copy the image in on your Data card
3- Plug it in and away you go!
Can't be simpler!
Last edited by Bertrand; 23 Dec 2013 at 11:37.
Reason: drop box getting maxed- if you need this hurry else it will be gone as I need the space