OpenStreetMap : Garmin India (adding roads)
I have been struggling with GPS maps on my way around and have been trying to get Street Level maps for the towns that i'm interested in. On my voyage of discovery i found this link
(I hope this link satisfies as ok for this forum)
I patiently downloaded the 1GB wold reference data, then used the java program to join the maps together for India only at the moment.
It has worked fanastically, although not Routable because I'm using the cgsmapper free version at the moemnt.
The Question is.. has anybody subsiquently used GPSMapedit and found that their modifications to a tile are not showing up on the GPS, but load into Mapsource OK and are visible.
Any help would be appreciated as i like adding the small lanes to the map so i can find them and have fun on the back roads instead of the Highways that are always there.