Russian 1:500000 Africa maps
Would purchasing these on DVD and then getting hard copies printed out for for example an African west coast route be cheaper than just buying A LOT of maps from Stanfords? I know that depends how winding a route you were to pick, or how much exploring you may end up doing (rather than assuming you will stick to plan A and only need Plan A's maps), but a ball park £?
Having spoken to a uk printers about producing hard copies, they said a large cost could be leaving them to fiddle with every file so the printout comes out to fit the chosen papersize and to scale depending on the state of the info. These Russian maps are described for instance from one expensive vendor as West Africa on over 180 sheets, so could someone tell me if a sheet would fit unfiddled on say A1 at 1:500000?
Or how easy are they to fiddle with? I seem to remember reading Mr Scott saying he printed some Morocco areas out on A3?
I don't really want to rely entirely on GPS.
Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree, and only need one of the Atlas's that cover all of Africa in one handy volume?
All advice gratefully received