SOS locating unit - looking for some help with knowing what to buy.
I want to purchase a locator so I can travel solo and feel secure in knowing that if I get myself into trouble I can use the device to send out an SOS and know that help is on the way.
I've done a little research but have not found a unit that I would feel comfortable in purchasing as of yet.
I was interested in a SPOT as it seems much less expensive then some of the others I've seen but have read that once they have your credit card information they will renew your yearly subscription without your permission even if your card has expired, also adding features you have not asked for and increasing your subscription fee. I have also read where they can be very difficult to deal with in correcting these issues.
I also have looked at a InReach unit but find the cost more then I would like to spend. The explorer unit is very nice but quite expensive and I find the monthly subscription fees quiet expensive also.
I would be more then happy with a basic inexpensive unit with the SOS feature.
I will keep looking and asking questions in my search for one of these devices but welcome any info/feedback and comments that anyone can provide.
Thanking you in advance.
All the best.