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Navigation - Maps, Compass, GPS How to find your way - traditional map, compass and road signs, or GPS and more
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Old 13 Apr 2010
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Arrow Useful free Garmin maps

I list here all the free Garmin GPS maps I have found. Most, if not all of them are community projects, meaning they are free because people contribute their time, track logs and local knowledge to them. So, if you do use one please do contribute towards the project. It only costs you time.

Indonesia: [navigasi.net] Download Peta GPS Indonesia
Very good in Sumatra, Java and Bali. Further East the coverage gets thin. The link above goes directly to the download page. The rest of the site is in Bahasa Indonesia, so most people won't be able to navigate the site or post contributions. I suggest you contribute to OSM instead.

  • Malsingmaps.com - GPS Portal of Malaysia and Singapore. It's so good that Garmin are now bundling it with their GPS units sold there. NT version with Lane Assist and limited Junction View. All the roads travellers are likely to take are there, along with lots of POIs. Updated frequently.
  • Malfreemaps.com - Mappers split from Malsingmaps to start their own project. Non-NT version, coverage is similar.

: NZ Open GPS Project
Contains every road, street and alleyway, many with house numbers, lots of useful POIs. Updated weekly.

[KC Loh & others have produced an excellent map of the North.] <== mapcenter2 hosting this map is down. Try getting it here instead.

Rest of the world: OpenStreetMap
A wiki map project. Just zoom in on a place, click edit and change. Changes appear on the map almost immediately. Worldwide routable Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap is updated from this weekly.

If you know of any other good free Garmin maps please contribute your knowledge here.

Europe to NZ 2006-10

Last edited by beddhist; 14 May 2011 at 10:04. Reason: Removed GT-Rider & SmellyBiker maps, haven't been released
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Old 15 Nov 2010
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Argentina: Proyecto Mapear

Europe to NZ 2006-10
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Old 15 Nov 2010
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Good thread Peter
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Old 18 Nov 2010
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here some more:

- Brazil
- Peru
- Venezuela
- Colombia

Adventurous greetings,
- On the road since 2003 in a vintage Land Cruiser
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Old 18 Nov 2010
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Thumbs up

Thank you for your contribution, Coen.

Europe to NZ 2006-10
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Old 18 Nov 2010
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Installing ProyectoMapear on top of OSM?

Originally Posted by beddhist View Post
Argentina: Proyecto Mapear
Hi beddhist,

I have the osm-maps for the lower half of South America installed on my Garmin Zumo 660. Maps are not bad, routing works fine most of the time. Alas, for many medium towns street maps are not yet available.

You recommend Proyecto Mapear for the Southern Cone, and I hear that these are the best free maps for Argentina/Chile.

Can I install these maps on my Garmin through MapQuest on top of of the OSM maps already installed or might that cause problems?

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Old 19 Nov 2010
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I assume you mean MapSource, not MapQuest.

I think it should be possible. One of 3 things should happen:

1. Mapear covers OSM, so you need to switch it off to see OSM, or
2. Vice-versa, or
3. Both display at the same time. Routing could get very interesting in that case.

You should look at MS before setting off and turn off the map you don't want to use, if you want to use routing.

All this is guesswork on my part. I've only ever have had this with other, non-routable maps.

Please contribute your tracks to OSM, if you ride roads not on the map.

Europe to NZ 2006-10
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Old 19 Nov 2010
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OSM-Mapear on Garmin

Thanks for your quick reply Peter. Of course I ment MapSource. In that case I'd rather not install Mapear on top of OSM. OSM works for me. Just that I thought Mapear might be a bit better. I'd like to contribute to OSM, alas, I need to find a few hours (maybe a couple of days) with nothing else to do to read about the technical details. I only bought my first GPS half a year ago. I can use it (and extremely useful it is!), but I still have no idea about the technical side of mapping software.
Cheers, Frank

Update 10 Nov 2011: There was no problem intalling OSM in the device memory and ProjectoMapear on the micro-SD card of the Zumo. However, if you install a 2nd map in the same memory type, the first map might be thrown out. Happened to me when I put Bolivia maps into the SD card. Suddenly ProjectoMapear was gone, I had to reinstall it. After that the Bolivia Maps were gone.
“It’s just a walk in the park!”
“You mean people are going to mug us and steal all our money and kick us viciously in the ribs?” Terry Prachett

Last edited by mekongfrank; 11 Nov 2011 at 03:55.
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Old 19 Nov 2010
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Don't worry about the mapping at this stage. Even if you just collect GPX tracks and upload them to OSM, that will be very useful. You find them when you connect the zumo to your PC in the folder \Garmin\GPX and \Garmin\Archive\GPX. You can open the files directly in Mapsource.

There really is no problem about having two maps in the GPS. After loading both maps go to Tools > Settings > Map > Map Info. You can now enable or disable any maps.

Europe to NZ 2006-10
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Old 24 Nov 2012
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Shonkymaps by Shonkylogic

Free GPS maps for Australia. No good for towns, but great in the bush
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Old 25 Nov 2012
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Oz Garmin GPS maps

As per the above post
Shonky is around 0.3G for the setup file.

You''ll also find Tracks for Australia OK, no contour information Tracks4Australia
Think T4A is around 0.1G installed on disk.

The OSM maps for Australia are very good too, possibly shonky and T4A will be better in the bush, but the OSM maps if they show a track it will be there. They also have the added info in small towns of shops and camping grounds. Free worldwide Garmin maps from OpenStreetMap
OSM Around 0.1G installed on disk. for Australia only.

PS OSM maps - now at 3.6G for OZ + North America + Britian.
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Old 1 Jan 2013
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This is what I found so far, sorry in Dutch but I think you will find your way............

Links naar “kaartenbakken” (plekken waar meerdere kaarten verzameld zijn):

Maps 'n Trails - free maps for Garmin GPS, Tools and more
Rotweiler GPS Maps of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and more!
GPSFileDepot - Free Custom Garmin Maps, Ximage hosting, tutorials, articles and more for your GPSr
Welcome to MapCenter
GPS Map Downloads for Garmin - GPSTravelMaps.com
Travel by GPS Maps for Garmin

In kaartenbakken is het soms lastig te bepalen wat wel of niet bruikbaar is. Soms zit er bijvoorbeeld geen "installer" bij en zal je met een programma als de mapsettoolkit de kaart in bijvoorbeeld Mapsource moeten zetten.


Garmin basiskaart V3


Garmin basiskaart V4.06

http://www.filestube.com/aadcfa3bedb7b8 ... -4-06.html



Hier kan je je kaart zelf samenstellen. Daarnaast kan je uit 4 verschillende formats kiezen. Zowel de oude als de nieuwe Garmin format zitten erbij.
Let op de site werkt, om wat voor reden dan ook, beter met andere browsers dan Internet Explorer

OSM kaartgegevens zijn ook weer vrij te gebruiken door derden om ze icm toegevoegde informatie weer tot een specifieke kaart of kaart voor specifiek gebruik te verbouwen. Hier een overzicht van al deze specifieke kaarten:

OpenStreetMap Wiki ... n/Download




GPS Vector Map Morocco

Tunesie en Libie:






Free GPS Cyprus Maps - Map of Cyprus for Garmin - CyMps




Veel verschillende formats, niet gratis: Navigation Software & Maps | Carte Blanche Ukraine


Topo kaart: GPS-info.nl > REIZEN > PORTUGAL


Veel verschillende formats in 2D en 3D: OpenMaps.eu


Файлы neem de translit versie voor Latijns schrift




КАРТА БЕЛАРУСИ - Главная страница

Zuid Amerika

Diverse landen in Zuid Amerika, diverse formats:

Tracksource - Mapas Gratuitos para GPS ... mapas.html

Argentinie, Chili, Bolivie, Uruguay en Peru:

GPS de Argentina y del ConoSur

Proyecto Mapear


Tracksource - Mapas Gratuitos para GPS
http://www.cursosdegps.com.br/instalado ... brasil.htm


PERUT=Peru Ruteable





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Old 2 Jan 2013
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I don't know where you copied this from, but most, if not all of it is already further up this topic. I think it's quite outdated:

Mapcenter only has historic value now, with Mapcenter2 having disappeared.

The link to OSM is outdated.

Rotweiler maps are not free.

Europe to NZ 2006-10
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Old 2 Jan 2013
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Originally Posted by beddhist View Post
I don't know where you copied this from, but most, if not all of it is already further up this topic. I think it's quite outdated:

First of all, I didn't copy them, it is my own list on my own website.

Mapcenter only has historic value now, with Mapcenter2 having disappeared.

The link to OSM is outdated.

Ok thanks, I am just back from long trip and have to update the list, on the topicstart is the same link??

Rotweiler maps are not free.
Happy Newyear

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