HI !!!!
I am just back from doing exactly the propposed route (Niamey , Zinder , Nguimi , -lake Tchad- NJamena Abeche - Banjui ->Bertua ->Yaounde
then I left the bike in the Spanish embassy at Yaounde and flown back home from Douala .
Visas :
1 Visa for Niger is defiitely posible on the very same Airport or on any entry point .
1 Visa for TChad is done in Niamey , on the spot for about 15.000 cfas
1 Visa for Centrafrique is done in the border , on the spot 5000
1 Visa for Cameroon is done on the border or on the Bangui Consulate . GRATUITE for stays lesser than 1 week
Security :
Every country was scaring the hell out of me regarding the next one (i.e. in Niger "here is safe , but in Tchad they are gonna kill you " , etc and so on .
so say the truth I didnt see nothing unusual .I didnt had any problem.
CHAD : I was scared about all these stories about maze sprays , arrows , stone trhowing in Bol . For me Bol was fantastic , I slept , drank and ate FOR FREE !!!! . Going in a motorbike makes people look at you different than in a 4x4 , but anyway ... I found Bol absolutely safe and welcoming , -not as terrifiying as most people say-
NJamena . After 7 PM is virtually a war-zone. Gangs (I mean armed gangs) patrol the streets robbing here and there. EVen locals rush to their homes at 7 Pm . It would be mostly stupid to be wandering in the streets at night . Also there is a big mess about militarys , pseudo military , rebels , etc... as easily 50% of the people carry some sort of military outfit. Guns and RPG everywhere. Be carefull / Expensive as hell . Big

for 2000 - 2500 CFAs minimum . Non-existant places to sleep for cheap . Only option is camping in the Novotel parking , althought it is kind of a scam . First they say is "for free" and later -when you leave- they show you a tariff (?) of 20.000 CFAS PAX -camping- which I didnt pay .
Cameroon : They say is dangerous . I found it safe as UK . probbably more . Cheapest

in Africa (650ml of "33" -local brand- can be bought for 450 CFA) . Cheap fuel , and good vibrations everywhere . _People are happy to see you -as opposed as in chad in which people are jaleous of your money/vehicle -
Carnet de Passage :" As ussual I dont carry it . I dont have now even papers for my motorbike and they dont give a $hit . They were too lazy to give me a new passavant so I was driving with the passavant from Niger , with just a Customs' stamp for every country .
Insurance : I have positively no insurance for the motorbike. I think that insurance is "optional" for motorbikes ... if you have an accident you simply pay the damage. For cars... Id go for it . For a motorbike .. any damage I cause is going to be insignificant compared to the damage/ wounds I can suffer in the same crash .,.. so I simply don't pay insurance any more.
Police : I may have been lucky , but no police has stopped me from Niamey to Yaounde asking for papers , cadeaux , helps , money ,etc... Absolutely correct with me .
Tolls : Apparently motorbikes don't pay road tolls , but cars seems to stop and pay a LOT ... Most of the route is on toll-roads so this can be somehow expensive
Fuel : Zinder is the last place you can fill up with a petrol station (with a hose I mean) . Afterwards , until Cameroon there are no petrol stations (for petro I mean ) . For diesel I *think* there were some in NJamena but not sure about that.
buying petrol from jerrycanes ls kinda of a lottery .Even locals get rip-off with water on fuel . I ussually carry potasium permanganate which changes colour if ANY water on the fuel . really usefull , but it is a watched chemical in UK so you need to be "creative" to buy it .
Regarding the lake tchad route... dont understimate it . As Chriss Scott told me .. I found impossible to follow the car ruts with my trolley .. .so I had to abandone it . The finest sand I have seen in my life . Most 4x4 get deeply bogged down in the sand . Navigation is easy .. just follow the ruts -for 300 km- . I won't do it again on a motorbike . no water or fuel in the middle and lots of "intriguing" people . Bush Camping definitely not reccomended .
Hardest part fron Nugimi to Bol. From Bol to Massakuri is kind of a earth track , and frmo Massakuri to NJamena is a brand -new lovely tarmac .
Also , from Diffa to Nguimi (Niger side of the border) the road is so horrible that you can barely pass 10 km/h
well ,that is . I am just arrived home a few hours ago .. and need to sleep for a few days !!!
Happy new year to all