Atalantic route really asfalted all the way?
Hey, sorry if this is a stupid question...
...but I just read a comment to a post on this forum, that the atlantic route is pawed all the way from Morocco to Senegal (Except for a few kilometers round the checkpoint).
I did this route a few years and just loved the feeling of having to drive on sand, digging, digging, digging, and navigate down to Nouachott. Like on a boat.
Is it really true? It sounds amazing...Did they lay asfalt all the way in the desert? or did I just misunderstand? In that case you dont need to drive on the sand etc.? and I could in princip go with my VW transporter? No worries...
Hope its not true, since I plan to go to Senegal soon and I hope to have a little desert- and exploring-feeling while driving som kind of 4WD down.
If its true, I am shure its also a good thing for people living there!  , so please forget about my little egoistic, romantic ideas.
Last edited by knutigro; 8 Jun 2006 at 16:44.