Hola , Jorje :
1.5 years ago .. , Travelling alone , and paying what I was asked to pay (i.e. dont discussing prices at all ) ... prices were as follow :
Mauritanian side of the bridge:
500 UM for the "comune" (?), (national park fee from rosso to Diame ) . Quite reasonable .
2000 UM for the Police to stamp my passport out.
1000 UM for customs to keep my laizer passer, and hava quick look at the car
(pls note that export of Mauritanian currency is forbidden , so they may ask you to give actually all your UM(s) left )
SEnegalese Side of the Bridge:
1000 CFA for crossing the bridge (peage)
2000 CFA for police to stamp my details in
2500 CFA for Douanne to write down the vehicle details in my passport . I dont speak french , but I am nearly sure the officer suggested me not to write the car's details in ecchange of some more money.
+Insurance *(about 30 Euros for 1 month) .
If you are ready to pay this , you will probbably cross the whole border in half an hour with everyone smiling.
I heard about people crossing the border without paying at-all , but took two days of discussions , bartering , bargaining etc.. etc.. -IMHO , simply not worth.
hope this helps. Suerte.
Originally posted by jorge martinez:
Hi, would like to get some info about the money costs of crossing to Senegal from Mauritania at the Diama border.
thanks, Jorge.