Simple, straightforward.
Simple, straightforward, no need to worry.
If you can reach Choum you will be able to find Atar.
Heading out of Choum south, lots of track merge into a piste, follow the piste, after a while it climbs on to a plateau with a good gravelpiste, after the plateau you will probably find a checkpoint at a auberge (sometimes Gendarme, sometimes Military or Douane, sometimes nobody), after the checkpoint following the road you will see lots of tracks wandering off to your right, they all take a shortcut to Azougi and Atar. Following the main piste you will reach a major crossing, going right you wil reach Atar (going through Azougi), going straight on you are following the bushtaxi route to Atar.
bart & sophie
Last edited by Sophie-Bart; 18 Sep 2009 at 23:36.
Reason: simplifying